Here's an extract from the introduction to the chapter:
Addressing the challenge of water governance in view of climate change requires the best of available knowledge, sensible ways to deal with the inherent uncertainties, and, as we will argue in this paper, bridging diverging knowledge frames and networks. The fate of diverse knowledge frames and networks in the climate domain is directly relevant for water governance – why investing in e.g. hydropower or water storage capacity if climate change isn’t much of a problem, as climate skeptic activists and some political parties claim. In a field as knowledge-intensive as water and climate policy – without sophisticated models climate change wouldn’t even be recognized as an issue – a thorough understanding is needed of how knowledge is produced in networks, how knowledge links to conflicting perspectives or frames and how diverse ways of knowing can be bridged.
This is the reference:
Dewulf, A., Brugnach, M., Termeer, C. & Ingram, H. (2013). Bridging knowledge frames and networks in climate and water governance. In: J. Edelenbos, N. Bressers & P. Scholten (Eds). Water governance as connective capacity, pp 229-247. Ashgate.
The book is available at Amazon and also as a PDF ebook
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