The program committee is chaired by my colleague Prof. Dr. Ir. Katrien Termeer, head of our Public Administration and Policy Group.
From the conference folder (download as pdf):
"The structural changes in the scarcity of products, energy, space and nature lead to fundamental changes in the views on the role of agriculture in urban areas. This implies longterm societal change. In such transitions stakeholders such as consumers, citizens, policy makers and farmers change their views on their own role and contribution to the problems and the solutions. ... Such transitions challenge scientists to make the changes in policy, institutions and behaviour visible, understandable and - if possible - also applicable in developing creative ideas for system innovations in products, production processes and collaborations."
The deadline for submission of extended abstracts for Contributed Papers and Posters is 29 February 2008. An extended 3-page abstract will be anonymously refereed. Authors will be informed about the disposition of their submissions by 1 June 2008.
Programme Committee
Katrien Termeer (Wageningen University, Netherlands, chair)
John Grin (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Arie Rip (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Cornelia Butler Flora (Iowa State University, USA)
Terry Marsden (Cardiff University, United Kingdom)
Jill L. Findeis (PennState University, USA)
Frank Nevens (ILVO, Merelbeke, Belgium)
Konrad Hagedorn (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany)
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