The 6th International Conference on Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA) takes place from Thursday June 23 to Saturday June 25, 2011 at Cardiff University (Wales, UK). The call for papers is open until January 31st.
Together with Maartje van Lieshout we have organised a panel at this conference, on Interactional framing in policy controversies.
An interactional approach to framing focuses on how people react to each other’s on-going framing and the way they use language to frame the issues. Instead of focusing on what’s going on ‘between the ears’, we try to better understand what is going on ‘between the noses’ of people. This draws the attention to the concrete interactions where actors make sense of problems and possible solutions, and how they affect each other's frames in and through a developing interaction.
The papers will address interactional framing by examining questions such as: How does the process of framing in interaction work? Which factors of successful framing can be distinguished? What is the impact of interactional framing processes on the outcomes of policy controversies? While they all focus on processes of framing in interaction, the papers in this panel address different policy themes-environmental problems, social problems, and crisis management- and different policy processes – informal meetings, formal (administrative) meetings, and public deliberation. By examining these different contexts, we hope to deepen our understanding of
interactional framing processes.
Interested? Submit a 300 word abstract to maartje.vanlieshout@wur.nl before January 31st.