Good new from Human Relations! The paper where Barbara Gray, Roy Lewicki, Linda Putnam, Noelle Aarts, René Bouwen, Cees van Woerkum and myself have tried to disentangle the multiple strands of framing research has been accepted for publication. The accepted version of the manuscript can be downloaded at the bottom of this blog.
Disentangling approaches to framing in conflict and negotiation research: a meta-paradigmatic perspective
Divergent theoretical approaches to the construct of framing have resulted in conceptual confusion in conflict research. We disentangle these approaches by analyzing their assumptions about (1) the nature of frames—i.e., cognitive representations or interactional co-constructions, and (2) what is getting framed—i.e., issues, identities and relationships, or interaction process. Using a meta-paradigmatic perspective, we delineate the ontological, theoretical and methodological assumptions among six approaches to framing to reduce conceptual confusion and identify research opportunities within and across these approaches.
Dewulf, A., Gray., B., Lewicki, R., Putnam, L., Aarts, N., Bouwen, R., & van Woerkum, C. (accepted). Disentangling approaches to framing in conflict and negotiation research: a meta-paradigmatic perspective. To appear in Human Relations.